has previously carried advertisements for:
receives more than 1.5 million hits every month,
and has carried advertisements for some of the world's leading names in
internet service provision, telecommunications, banking, and more;
including such household names as Yahoo!, AOL, amazon, WeightWatchers,
British Telecom, and others.
You can have your advert included alongside
them for as little as £20 / $30.
If you have any queries about any of our
advertising services, please contact
Tower adverts appear on the
right of most pages on, and over 100,000 are served
every month. As with all our adverts, tower adverts rotate at random to
ensure they reach all users.
There are two options available for tower
120x60: The smaller of the two
adverts seen on the far right of this page. More than 50,000 of
these are served every month. Each advert is shown around 9000
times and achieve click-through rates of up to 1.8% (significantly
higher than the industry standard of 0.5%). The cost for one month is
just £20 / $30.
120x90: The larger of the two
adverts seen on the far right of this page. More than 60,000 of
these are served every month. Each advert is shown around 12,000
times and achieve click-through rates of up to 2.8% (industry
standard: 0.5%). The cost for one month is just £30 / $45.
The most effective means of
advertising on is offered by the banner advertisements at
the top of each page (468 x 60). Over 70,000 of these are served every
month. Each advert is served over 7000 times, and achieve
click-through rates of up to 9.6% (nearly 20 times higher than the
industry standard of 0.5%). Again, these adverts are
rotated at random between the pages, making sure that your advert hits
users of all sections and doesn't suffer from burnout. The cost for one
month is just £50 / $75.