Traditional Publishing

WRITING TODAY: The Realities of Running a New Playwriting Competition – Sunday June 16, 2024

For the last twelve years I’ve co-run Papatango, a theatre company (and registered charity) devoted to opening pathways into playwriting, especially for people who might otherwise have no access to theatre. My entire working life has coincided with austerity, seemingly bouncing from recession to recession, cutbacks piled on cutbacks, so it’s never been easy – but in the last couple of years, the challenges facing the arts, and the new writing sector especially, have exploded. Ironically – or, perhaps, consequently – our greatest successes have come in this period, notching up Olivier, Critics’ Circle, OffWestEnd and South Bank Sky Arts awards as well as a place in The Stage 25 list of industry leaders. That’s pretty good for a small company with no core funding, making world premieres with little known, often debut, writers. We veer from frowning anxiously over spreadsheets to smiling awkwardly at award ceremonies – but most people only see the successes, not the struggle.

That prompted me to share a transparent account on social media of what it takes to run an open call-out for new writing, and what the pressures and risks are. Despite these, we believe giving voice to new writers is more important in hard times than ever. But if we don’t understand the existential challenge facing such opportunities, we risk losing them. So here it is, an insight into Papatango, warts and all…

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