Traditional Publishing

Could you write a crime novel? Candice Fox has some advice for would-be authors – Saturday June 22, 2024

Australian crime fiction is in its golden era, and many people think they could be part of it. So what about you?

You've always thought of writing a novel – maybe in retirement, or when you take that big redundancy. How hard could it possibly be? A couple of hours per day hammering the keyboard, a few more staring out the window, waiting for the muse, cup of tea in hand. Then you smash together a slow-burn mystery about a small town with big secrets in what – six months? – and get it out there. 

Set it somewhere nobody's ever heard of, population under 200, delightful pie shop. Or better yet, a fictional town named after your neighbour's dog. 

Before you know it, you're bumping elbows with UK best-selling author Anna Downes at the signing table at some literary festival and nodding across the green room to Australian comedian and author Benjamin Stevenson. You've got a lanyard with 'Artist' on it and an 8 o'clock spot on the radio. You're an Aussie crime fiction star.

As you might have guessed, it's not that simple. But I have some insider knowledge that could help you along your way.

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