Traditional Publishing
Claire Paterson Conrad

Claire Paterson Conrad

Literary Agent / Company Director

Last updated: March 24, 2024
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Literary Agency


NonfictionNonfiction BooksBiologyCreative NonfictionEnvironmentNaturePopular Science


In fiction, I work across upmarket commercial to literary fiction and mistrust pigeon-holing books into genres. I’m actively looking to take on distinctive fiction which is voice or character driven; a strong hook or unusual perspective is always a bonus. I’m currently keen to find an all-consuming multi-generational novel or gripping love stories, particularly if it’s warm-hearted and wise. I’d also like to find more novels that make you laugh out loud, and fiction that subverts the norm, even in subtle ways. I love beautifully written literary fiction that has a strong sense of place, feminist fiction with a revisionary twist and experimental novels that play with structure or form, especially when this is used to illuminate the complexities of human experience. I’d particularly like to hear from novelists who have started writing later in life.

In non-fiction, currently, I’m looking for writers who show us new ways of looking at things or help us understand the world better, or books that start conversations and change minds. I’m also passionate about finding and amplifying voices from under-represented backgrounds. I’m looking for memoir and narrative non-fiction by writers, journalists or historians who can retell fascinating stories or little-known periods of history. I’m searching for good food writing and books about the food system, or books that highlight our need to protect and care for our precious planet, especially nature writing. I’m looking for books that are a call to arms for other issues of our day, ones that challenge orthodoxies in ways that aren’t necessarily prescriptive. I’d love to find more good popular science writing, written by great communicators. Lastly, I’m a huge fan of non-fiction that melds genres.


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