New Publisher Listing – Wednesday April 10, 2019
Publishes: Fiction; Nonfiction; Poetry; Scripts;
Areas include: Autobiography; Biography; Criticism; Literature;
Markets: Adult;
Preferred styles: Experimental; Literary
Publishes primarily literary fiction, with an emphasis on fiction that belongs to the experimental tradition of Sterne, Joyce, Rabelais, Flann O’Brien, Beckett, Gertrude Stein, and Djuna Barnes. Occasionally publishes poetry or nonfiction. Send submissions by email. See website for full guidelines.
New Magazine Listing – Tuesday April 9, 2019
Publishes: Poetry;
Markets: Adult;
Preferred styles: Literary
Submit 3-5 poems. Poems under 40 lines stand a better chance of acceptance. Will accept submissions by post with SASE, but prefers submissions via form on website.
Writing a first novel is like wandering out into an unclear, inhospitable landscape – Monday April 8, 2019
In September 2008, I left my job as a structural engineer to return to university to study fine art. I had also begun creative writing classes at the Irish Writers Centre under the Texan novelist, Greg Baxter, a then unpublished author and a complete unknown to me.
His classes consisted of reading and discussing the work of great writers. We’d submit writing and a week later we’d receive our text back, decimated with strikethroughs, edits, suggestions; and at the end of each exercise there was always a substantial note of criticism and encouragement. I ended up doing three 10-week classes in short form fiction and nonfiction. It exposed me to writers I’d not heard of before. My reading up till then consisted of some classics and whatever had been given good reviews in the broadsheets. I don’t remember Greg giving much by way of general advice throughout this time, other than that he insisted whatever we submitted was in no way to be planned out or plotted ahead. The openended-ness at the heart of this request at first sat uneasily with me. My habits of thought up till then had been, naturally enough, predominantly deductive.
Turning Pages: The joys of writers' retreats – Friday April 5, 2019
I've always been a bit sceptical about writers' retreats. They sound so self-indulgent. All that food and wine and yoga and wellbeing in gorgeous surroundings. Aren't you supposed to just get on with it, in your garret or at the kitchen table, surrounded by people? It was good enough for Jane Austen, why isn't it good enough for you?
Yet these retreats are flourishing, and they seem to get more and more lavish and luxurious. Perhaps the first haven for Australian writers was Eleanor Dark's house, Varuna, in the Blue Mountains, and it's still going strong. You can win a residency or pay for your stay, and you can either work away quietly or get feedback from editors and publishers through the various mentoring programs on offer.
New Literary Agency Listing – Friday April 5, 2019
Handles: Fiction; Nonfiction
Areas: Adventure; Anthropology; Arts; Autobiography; Beauty and Fashion; Business; Crime; Culture; Current Affairs; Erotic; Gothic; Health; Historical; Hobbies; Horror; How-to; Humour; Lifestyle; Men's Interests; Military; Music; Nature; New Age; Philosophy; Psychology; Science; Self-Help; Spiritual; Sport; Suspense; Thrillers; Westerns; Women's Interests
Markets: Adult; Children's; Youth
Treatments: Commercial; Contemporary; Dark; Experimental; Literary; Mainstream; Niche; Popular; Positive; Progressive; Satirical
A talent management agency, with an extremely strong literary arm. The majority of the works handled by the agency fall into the category of celebrity nonfiction. However, also regularly work with journalists, entrepreneurs and influencers on projects, with a speciality in polemics, and speculative works on the future.
Occasionally take on exceptional fiction authors.
New Publisher Listing – Thursday April 4, 2019
Publishes: Fiction;
Areas include: Fantasy; Sci-Fi;
Markets: Adult
Publishes mainly science fiction, but also speculative fiction, broadly defined. Cross-genre/interstitial and SF/F hybrid works are fine; ones with mythic/historical echoes even better. Send query by email with one-page synopsis and 10 pages (or, for medium works (12-42K), the complete ms) as attachments. See website for full guidelines.
New Magazine Listing – Tuesday April 2, 2019
Publishes: Fiction; Nonfiction; Poetry; Reviews;
Areas include: Sci-Fi;
Markets: Adult
Science fiction magazine publishing fiction up to 1,500 words; reviews up to 800 words; and poetry up to 19 lines. See website for full guidelines.
How to self-publish your novel – Monday April 1, 2019
Until recently, if you were a writer who had a novel or other work, there was essentially a single path to follow: you tried to find an agent who liked your writing, and who would be able to sell it to a publisher. The process could take months or years — assuming you were able to get on that merry-go-round at all.
David Gaughran, author of Let’s Get Digital and other books about self-publishing, tried that route when he wrote his first novel about 11 years ago. It was an exasperating experience.
“I spent about 18 months querying every agent that I could find in the English-language world and didn’t really get anywhere,” Gaughran says. He was frustrated enough that he thought about giving up. “But then I started looking at self-publishing.”
Since then, self-publishing has become far more than a last-ditch alternative to traditional publishing — it’s a choice that many authors are making from the starting line. But while it’s not all that hard to put out an ebook these days, finding an audience takes a lot more than simply uploading your manuscript and clicking publish: it means going through the entire publishing process on your own, from editing to artwork to marketing, putting your book’s success entirely in your own hands.
New Publisher Listing – Monday April 1, 2019
Publishes: Fiction; Nonfiction; Poetry;
Areas include: Short Stories;
Markets: Adult
Constantly strives to discover, cultivate, and nurture authors working in all genres. Publishes Creative Nonfiction, Short-Story, Novel, and Comic/Visual Narrative manuscripts. (Comic/Visual Narrative manuscripts will not be considered without artwork.) Submit via online submission system.
Pen Names: Don’t worry, you can deposit the check
By G. Miki Hayden
Instructor at Writer's Digest University online and private writing coach – Monday April 1, 2019
One of the topics I see some jawboning about is whether and why to use/not use a pen name (aka a nom de plume). Since the topic seems to fascinate, and many folks before they’ve even written the book seek out a name to write it under, I thought the subject was worth some air time.
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