Traditional Publishing

Writers' News

Start Preparing for NaNoWriMo Now – Saturday August 22, 2020

Even under normal circumstances, early planning for major events is critical to their success. This year, of course, we are in far from ordinary circumstances, which makes it that much more important for writers to begin planning for National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo, for short—NaNo, for even shorter) right now.

A couple years (decades?) ago, an amazing colleague spelled out a game plan for succeeding at the challenge of writing a 50,000-word novel draft within the month of November. But like most structured plans, it takes time to get into a groove and properly form a habit. NaNoWriMo should be treated no differently. It may sound easy to some—you’re just writing 1,667 words per day, not training for a marathon—but take it from someone’s who’s done both: the preparation involved in both is, in many ways, is quite similar.

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New Literary Agent Listing: Jennifer Gates – Thursday August 20, 2020

Represents a range of nonfiction, including narrative and expert-driven works, memoir, current affairs, pop culture, as well as literary fiction and children’s books.

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Spread the Word launches London Writers Awards 2021 – Tuesday August 18, 2020

Submissions are now open for Spread the Word's 2021 London Writers Awards, which this year focus on developing authors of literary fiction, commercial fiction, YA/children’s fiction and narrative non-fiction.

The literary charity launched its annual writing development programme to support and "nurture writers from communities currently under-represented and marginalised in UK publishing". 

Spread the Word invites applications from London-based writers of colour, working class, LGBTQIA+ and writers with disabilities, with 30 successful applicants to be offered a place on an intensive programme of development taking place over 10 months (January 2021 – October 2021) alongside networking with agents and publishers. The programme is free to participate in and offers bursaries and an access fund. Participants are selected through a free and open application process.

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New Literary Agent Listing: Danya Kukafka – Monday August 17, 2020

She is interested literary fiction with particularly propulsive storylines. She is seeking literary suspense, sophisticated thrillers, speculative fiction, and experimental fiction—she also loves true crime that feels attuned to today’s cultural conversations, as well as upmarket literary fiction you can read in one gulp.

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New Literary Agent Listing: Anne C. Perry – Sunday August 16, 2020

Joins the agency in September 2020 to develop fiction and nonfiction.

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New Literary Agent Listing: Jessica Errera – Sunday August 16, 2020

Looking for commercial women’s fiction with a fresh and fun hook, all genres of YA (especially diverse stories), contemporary romance, thrillers and suspense, the occasional historical fiction, and anything that might be read in a day on the beach.

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The realities of being an Instagram poet – Thursday August 13, 2020

I have been writing poetry most of my life. Encouraged by my English teacher as a child, I used writing as a way of dealing with emotions, anxiety and, as I grew older, with heartbreak.

In February 2019, I decided to set up an Instagram page on the advice of a friend, who thought the platform would be a good place to share my poetry. It’s fair to say I was dubious at first, particularly given the fact that Instagram is such a visual medium; not a platform one would assume would be a good fit for the written word.

But I took his advice and began to publish one or two short poems every day, in the hope that a handful of people may enjoy it. Eighteen months later, I have over 98,000 followers and I’m on the third print run of my self-published debut collection, Tell the Birds She’s Gone. My second book, Beekeeper, is released on September 8th, 2020, and pre-orders are already going well.

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New Publisher Imprint Listing: Little Wing – Thursday August 13, 2020

Publishes titles in the entertainment genre.

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New Publisher Imprint Listing: Blue Lamp Books – Thursday August 13, 2020

Publishes nonfiction books on police history.

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New Literary Agent Listing: Kayla Cichello – Wednesday August 12, 2020

Seeking everything from heartfelt or humorous picture books (she has a soft spot for animal protagonists) to dynamic, unpredictable YA (she loves a good murder mystery or a clever rom-com).

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