Traditional Publishing

Writers' News

New Magazine Listing – Monday February 24, 2020

Publishes: Essays; Fiction; Nonfiction; Poetry;
Areas include: Short Stories;
Markets: Adult;
Preferred styles: Literary

Accepts submissions of flash fiction up to 500 words, short stories and creative nonfiction up to 4,000 words, or up to five poems, by email. See website for full guidelines.

[See the full listing]

New Literary Agent Listing: Kerry Glencorse – Monday February 24, 2020

Always on the lookout for new talent, especially in the areas of literary and upmarket commercial fiction; well-written genre fiction, including crime, thrillers, women’s fiction, and historical. And on the non-fiction side: memoir, narrative non-fiction, popular science, natural science, social and cultural history.

[See the full listing]

More city, less village – Saturday February 22, 2020

Last month at the Association of Authors’ Agents (AAA) a.g.m., I stepped down from AAA Committee after six years, the last two in the role of president. I am proud to have worked for a trade association whose value for its members is unquestionable. I am not referring to our informative or social events, or our advocacy for agents and authors to publishers and in the public sphere, though they are great. Rather, to the fact that —because any cowboy can call themselves a literary agent—membership of the AAA is the only simple way for an agent to convey their seriousness and reliability as a professional. All our agencies commit to abide by our Code of Practice and its associated guidelines, you see. 

 Beyond that joint commitment, and our fiduciary duty to put our clients’ interests first, the AAA is a pretty broad church in many enjoyable ways. But although many AAA members are actively engaged in the project of making our profession more inclusive, we are still an undeniably white, middle-class group, for the most part.

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New Magazine Listing – Friday February 14, 2020

Publishes: Articles; Essays; Fiction; Nonfiction; Poetry;
Areas include: Culture; Humour; Politics; Short Stories;
Markets: Adult;
Preferred styles: Satirical

Describes itself as "America's leading voice of interesting and unexpected left-wing political criticism, cultural analysis, short stories, poems and art". Submit pitch using online form on website.

[See the full listing]

New Magazine Listing – Wednesday February 12, 2020

Publishes: Essays; Fiction; Nonfiction; Poetry;
Areas include: Short Stories;
Markets: Adult;
Preferred styles: Literary

Publishes poetry, fiction, and essays / creative nonfiction. Accepts submissions during specific submission windows. See website for details and for themes.

[See the full listing]

New Magazine Listing – Monday February 10, 2020

Publishes: Fiction;
Areas include: Sci-Fi; Short Stories;
Markets: Adult

Website publishing daily flash fiction up to 600 words. Accepts all kinds of science fiction. Submit via form on website.

[See the full listing]

How to be a film writer – Sunday February 9, 2020

Joey Clarke, AB ’07, moved to Los Angeles after graduation in hopes of making it as a film writer. He worked a variety of low-level jobs but admits he didn’t put the effort he needed into writing. A relationship and a change of scenery helped kick-start his film writing career, and in 2018 he won the Academy Awards’ Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting for his script Miles. Here, he shares some tips about what has worked for him and how writing for film is — and isn’t — the same as other types of writing.

[Read the full article]

New Publisher Listing – Friday February 7, 2020

Publishes: Fiction; Poetry;
Markets: Adult;
Preferred styles: Literary

Accepts submissions of fiction and poetry between April 1 and May 15, and via its two contests in autumn.

[See the full listing]

New Literary Agent Listing: Jessica Friedman – Friday February 7, 2020

Represents literary fiction and nonfiction. Interested in distinctive voices and writing that challenges the expected -- stylistically, formally, or otherwise. Particularly drawn to incisive, voice-driven writing and underrepresented narratives.

[See the full listing]

New Magazine Listing – Monday February 3, 2020

Publishes: Articles; Features; Fiction; Interviews; Nonfiction; Reviews;
Areas include: Entertainment; Music; Short Stories;
Markets: Adult

Entertainment periodical, online-only since 2009. Accepts short stories between 500 and 3,000 words. For features or music reviews contact by email in advance. See website for specific email addresses and full submission guidelines.

[See the full listing]

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