Traditional Publishing

Writers' News

New Magazine Listing – Friday September 13, 2019

Publishes: Fiction; Nonfiction; Poetry;
Markets: Adult;
Preferred styles: Literary

Online literary journal. Send up to five poems or two pieces of fiction or nonfiction (up to 1,000 words) in a Word document attachment.

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Events, dear boy … the reality of life as a children’s writer – Thursday September 12, 2019

When you imagine the life of a writer, you probably see us shut away in a room at a desk, scribbling or typing furiously, or staring into space hoping for inspiration. But if you write for children, you are likely to spend a good bit of your working life meeting your readers. At certain times of the year - especially now, with new books hitting the shelves for autumn and Children’s Book Festival on the horizon – writers can have a full timetable of events that leave them barely enough time to actually write.

I have two new books for children coming out this autumn – Laura’s Spooky Show has just hit the shelves, and Reindeer Down, a Christmas story for younger readers, will be published by the O’Brien Press in October. It’s exciting to be embarking on a new round of visits to schools, libraries and bookshops. Exciting, and terrifying.

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New Magazine Listing – Thursday September 12, 2019

Publishes: Poetry;
Markets: Adult;
Preferred styles: Contemporary; Literary

Contemporary poetry journal accepting submissions from anywhere in the world, though particularly encouraged from Fenland. No line limits. Send up to six poems by post only with SASE. No email submissions.

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Book publisher Gomer Press to 'wind down' publishing arm

uk-wales-49652287 – Wednesday September 11, 2019

One of Wales' largest publishing houses is to "wind down" publishing new works to focus on printing, its bosses say.

Gomer Press, set up in 1892 and based in Ceredigion, has about 3,500 titles in print in English and Welsh.

It said the decision followed a strategic review, "thus ensuring the future" of its 55 employees, but authors called it a "sad" move.

Gomer said it would continue working with authors and the Books Council of Wales to publish scheduled titles.

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New Magazine Listing – Wednesday September 11, 2019

Publishes: Articles; Fiction; Nonfiction; Poetry;
Areas include: Short Stories; Women's Interests;
Markets: Adult;
Preferred styles: Literary

Feminist magazine. Send submissions by email. See website for full guidelines.

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CAA Hires Cindy Uh As Agent In Books Department – Tuesday September 10, 2019

Cindy Uh has joined CAA as an Agent in the Books department.

Uh moves to CAA following a four-and-a-half-year stint at Thompson Literary Agency, where she represented a range of nonfiction authors in the categories of memoir, politics, food, business, health and wellness, and lifestyle.

She has also consistently been ranked one of the top agents for illustrated/art projects.

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Who is Kanishka Gupta? A book magician of sorts – Tuesday September 10, 2019

Ever spare a thought for how millions of Indian readers get their hands on a variety of amazing books? A great idea or story still needs to be considered by a publisher to make it to the shelves. A lot happens behind the scenes before a book sees the light of the day, and that's where the role of a competent agent becomes critical.

An aspiring author and a college dropout, Kanishka Gupta met with several disappointments with regards to finding the right publisher for his own manuscript. The agency he opted to go along with turned out to be phony, which left him further exasperated. When he didn't receive much guidance for his manuscript himself, he founded an assessment agency, Writer's Side, to systemise publishing. A one-of-its kind agency, Writer's Side brought immense success to Kanishka, the benefits of which he hopes to extend to authors worldwide. As Writer's Side completes 10 years, he has secured over 500 book deals for his authors. As of 2019, he represents over 400 authors from across the world.

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New Publisher Listing – Tuesday September 10, 2019

Publishes: Fiction;
Areas include: Erotic; Fantasy; Romance;
Markets: Adult

Publishes erotic and paranormal romance ebooks. See website for full submission guidelines.

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New Literary Agency Listing – Tuesday September 10, 2019

Represents children's authors and artists.

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How (and Why) We're Celebrating 'World Kid Lit Month' in 2019 – Sunday September 8, 2019

Translations have always been a part of children’s literature. Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales were translations. Pippi LongstockingAsterixand The Little Prince are among the world’s most popular children’s titles—in their originals and in translation. But while English language children’s literature boomed at the beginning of this century, the space for new and genre-shaking translations shrank. Translated titles for young readers do continue to appear, of course. But they often adhere to English language publishing conventions, and most come from Western Europe.

Yet in the last few years, publishers have turned with renewed interest to diverse children’s literature in translation. Many new kidlit imprints have launched with a focus on international literature. The publishers are as diverse as Pushkin Press, Archipelago, Seven Stories, and Amazon Crossing. To encourage this process, in September 2016, book activists launched the first “World Kid Literature Month.”

All through the month, we celebrate and promote literature for young readers in translation—particularly from beyond Europe.

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