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Writers' News

5 Tips For Young And Emerging Writers – Thursday January 3, 2019

Writers: how often have you been told to “write what you know”?

Generic writing advice is so often repeated it’s become a joke in the New Yorker. But do young or emerging writers feel boxed-in when they hear the same lessons over and over again that prioritize certain kinds of writing styles? Today on The Kojo Nnamdi Show, we’ll explore what it takes to write fiction, and what resources the Washington region has for new writers. One of our guests, Zachary Clark, leads 826DC, a nonprofit chapter that provides writing support to young Washingtonians.

Check out Zachary’s writing advice, and leave your own in the comments section!

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Happy Verbs

By G. Miki Hayden
Instructor at Writer's Digest University online and private writing coach – Thursday December 27, 2018

Well, I don’t think the verbs are actually happy. I only said that to attract your attention. But verbs do have moods. And I used the word “moods” to draw your attention, too. But it’s true that verbs have moods, though we also call them modes.

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Book industry booms as children catch the reading bug – Thursday December 27, 2018

When it came to kid's presents this year one of the most popular items in Santa's sack was a new book.

Publishers are celebrating an industry boom with children's titles flying off the shelves.

The increase in sales is being put down to a number of factors, including a higher quality of offerings on the shelves.

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Non-fiction ruled even as new wave of authors came to the fore (2018 In Retrospect) – Wednesday December 19, 2018

Scripting a fresh narrative in Indian publishing, the year saw a sustained interest of both publishers as well as readers in non-fiction while a new wave of authors -- spanning genres and languages -- came to the fore both on the bestseller charts and through recognition at major literary awards.

In fact, the rising popularity of non-fiction and memoirs has been a significant trend over the past few years, but 2018 was the year when the genre firmly cemented itself as the favourite of the readers in India.

This is evident as leading publishers and literary agents have now become sceptical when it comes to considering fiction manuscripts -- some have even set aside only two days of the week for such submissions -- while non-fiction commissioning has climbed a notch higher.

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The Borough Press and The Good Literary Agency open submissions for un-agented BAME writers – Monday December 17, 2018

The Borough Press has teamed up with The Good Literary Agency to open submissions for un-agented BAME writers with the one winning applicant set to secure a £10,000 publishing contract, agency representation and mentoring from writer Nikesh Shukla. 

Assistant editor Ore Agbaje-Williams is calling for authors from BAME backgrounds who have written a literary or literary-commercial novel in keeping with the spirit of The Borough Press list - books people want to talk about, either to question or agree; books that span the globe, whether near home or far afield; energetic, modern and eclectic books that inspire passion in readers - to enter the open submission. 

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How to write your own auto-fiction book – Monday December 17, 2018

Everyone likes to think they've got a book in them (and, in many cases, that's notwhere it should stay), but the practical act of writing one is another story. Often, you might have had some experience which has made you want to put pen to paper, but perhaps you don't fancy a tell-all memoir that everyone you know will read. Enter auto-fiction, the not-so-new style of writing gaining serious traction in literary circles.

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New Literary Agency Listing – Monday December 17, 2018

Handles: Fiction; Nonfiction
Areas: Autobiography; Biography; Business; Crime; Historical; Lifestyle; Psychology; Science; Suspense; Thrillers; Women's Interests
Markets: Adult
Treatments: Commercial; Literary; Popular

No science fiction (unless literary) and no fantasy or children's. Submit via website submission form.

[See the full listing]

New Publisher Listing – Friday December 14, 2018

Publishes: Fiction; Nonfiction; 
Areas include: Autobiography; Travel; 
Markets: Adult

Publishes fiction, travel and memoir. Welcomes book proposals and queries from both authors and agents. See website for full guidelines.

[See the full listing]

Paragraphing—Yes, You Heard Me

By G. Miki Hayden
Instructor at Writer's Digest University online and private writing coach – Wednesday December 12, 2018

I wouldn’t think paragraphing could be a mysterious business, but apparently so.

I wish I had an electronic rubber stamp that said, “Break your paragraphs”, because writers need to do exactly that. My students, in particular, need to do just that.

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Eleventh Annual Papatango New Writing Prize Opens For 2019 Submissions – Thursday December 6, 2018

The Papatango New Writing Prize, now in its eleventh year, opens for submissions today, 6 December 2018, until 9pm on 17 February 2019.

The Papatango New Writing Prize was the UK's first - and remains the only annual - opportunity guaranteeing a new writer a full production, publication by Nick Hern Books, a royalty of 10% of the gross box office, and a £6000 commission with full developmental support for a follow-up play.

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