Traditional Publishing

Writers' News

US trade publisher sales flat in first half of 2017, reports AAP – Friday December 22, 2017

US publishers' trade book sales were flat for the first seven months of 2017, holding steady at $4,440.2m versus $4,442m for the same period (January - August) in 2016, according to statistics released by the Association of the American Publishers (AAP). 

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Talking audiobooks – Wednesday December 20, 2017

Audio is the "heatseeker" within publishing, and the recent FutureBook Conference was a watershed moment in championing the category. But many issues also surfaced. Expensive recordings, different marketing from print and a new supply chain are just a few; the consequence is that there are as many publishers losing money from audio as there are profitably growing.

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Literary fiction under threat, ACE report concludes – Sunday December 17, 2017

Arts Council England has pledged to engage with more bookshops, fund more writers and lobby the government to provide tax relief to independent publishers following a report finding that “the general trend for literary fiction is a negative one”.

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Literary fiction writers can no longer live off their books as sales slump – Friday December 15, 2017

The idea of the penniless artist shivering and starving in gloomy cellar for years as they pen another great tome has become a reality for the writers of literary fiction, according to research by Arts Council England. The average author now earns less than minimum wage with an annual salary of just £11,000.

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New Magazine Listing – Friday December 15, 2017

Publishes: Articles; Essays; Features; Fiction; Interviews; Nonfiction; Poetry; Reference; Reviews; 
Areas include: Entertainment; Fantasy; Historical; How-to; New Age; Religious; Sci-Fi; Short Stories; Spiritual; 
Markets: Adult; Family; Professional; 
Preferred styles: Contemporary; Experimental; Positive; Traditional

A new Online New Age magazine to become a resource for people wanting to research a variety of topics. I'm looking for articles and artwork geared towards those looking for information on all types of new age and spiritual topics. 

First edition March 20, 2018

Seeking articles, interviews, inspiration, reviews, fiction, poetry, artwork and photography centred around many New Age topics: Spiritual practices, Tarot, gods and goddesses, How-to, chakras, kabbalah, reiki, healing, mindset work, guides, paganism, wicca, mysticism, plants as medicine, paranormal and psychic phenomenon, etc. See our complete guidelines.

[See the full listing]

Fan sends 80s Nobel prizewinning book to modern publishers to make an important point about the book industry – Wednesday December 13, 2017

A literary fan has conducted a damning experiment. 

Writer Serge Volle sent 50 pages of French author Claude Simon's 1962 novel The Palace, set during the Spanish civil war, to 19 French publishers under the guise of being fresh material. 

12 outright rejected the book, while seven never replied, despite the fact that Simon won the Nobel prize for literature in 1985, Volle told French public radio on Monday (via The Guardian). 

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New Literary Agency Listing – Wednesday December 13, 2017

Handles: Fiction
Markets: Adult

International literary and film agency accepting submissions of adult fiction in English and French by email only.

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Christmas sale - 25 per cent off the Writers' Handbook 2018 – Tuesday December 12, 2017

For a limited time only, is offering copies of the 2018 edition of its acclaimed Writers' Handbook in ebook format at a 25% discount.

Every year, the period between Christmas and New Year is the busiest ebook selling week of the year, as people with lovely new ereaders from Santa look for content to load onto them. This year, the online ebook retailer Smashwords is aiming to make this a little easier on everyone's strained post-Christmas bank accounts, by running an End of Year sale: and the Writers' Handbook 2018 will be among the titles available at a discounted price.

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Want to Succeed at Self-Publishing? Join a Writers' Group: Tips from an Indie Author – Monday December 11, 2017

Writing a book about living with areata—a condition in which the immune system attacks hair follicles, leading to baldness—was a way for Deeann Callis Graham to “find some peace with what was happening to [her] physically and emotionally.” The book, Head-Onwas praised by Publishers Weekly as “heartwarming” and “a powerful compilation of profiles with a sincere and encouraging message.”

Before self-publishing Head-On, Graham went to writing workshops, met other indie authors, and read widely about publishing. Although she was ready to tackle the writing and design of the book, she was caught off-guard by the demands of marketing. “Marketing is a long and arduous process that I wish I would have known more about in the beginning…Most of the marketing I do is within the alopecia areata community. My biggest surprise has been the challenge of reaching that niche audience. I thought it would be easier.”

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Easy listening – Friday December 8, 2017

Agents are on my mind. At last week’s AudioBook Revolution conference, a number of agents raised concerns about how publishers are demanding audio rights when they also buy print. The charge was led from the podium by Curtis Brown agent Alice Lutyens, backed from the floor by her colleague Cathryn Summerhayes, and informed by agent Ivan Mulcahy. It was a debate I had been told no-one wanted to have. Now it feels urgent.

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