Traditional Publishing

Writers' News

New Magazine Listing: Second Factory – Thursday April 7, 2022

Publishes mainly poetry. Fiction and nonfiction will have a better chance if it is fairly short (more than 4 pages per contributor are not usually published) and if it has a fairly experimental and/or playful nature. 'Traditional' fiction and prose submissions are not as likely to be accepted, but open to surprises.

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Crime writer David Peace says 'publishers should be less risk-averse' and novelists 'have a responsibility to push the boundaries' amid publishing's sensitivity crisis – Monday April 4, 2022

  • Crime writer David Peace is latest author to speak out on sensitivity crisis 
  • The author, 55, said novelists 'have a responsibility to push the boundaries'
  • Comes after Margaret Atwood and Art Spiegelman spoke on book bans
  • The Handmaid's Tale author said it was 'playing woke snowflakery back'  
  • Maus cartoonist called society 'Orwellian', saying it is out of control 'culture war' 

Novelist David Peace has become the latest renowned author to slam publishing's sensitivity crisis as he said novelists have 'a responsibility to push boundaries.'

The 55-year-old, who lives in Tokyo, has penned  11 novels, including The Damned Utd, which was made into a film with Michael Sheen in the lead role as Brian Clough.

Speaking to The Guardian, he said: 'Publishers should be less risk-averse...if novels are going to survive, novelists have a responsibility to push the boundaries.'

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Think you can write a book? Here’s how to pitch, publish and push your career – Monday April 4, 2022

Everyone dreams of being an author. The pandemic has inspired many to start on these long-dormant passion projects. Or maybe just toy around with the idea but not, you know, take any tangible action in getting the proverbial pen to paper.

First, the good news: “If you want to write a book related to your career, this is a clear sign that you are ready to acknowledge your growth and achievement in life,” said J. L. Stermer, a literary agent who teaches “How to Get Published” at Gotham Writers Workshop, and is also president of Next Level Lit. “It means you have overcome challenges and found solutions that you are ready to share to help others on similar journeys. Your book establishes you as an expert in your field and can magnetize you to find new clients.”
It takes a lot of toil, but penning your own tome can help you get on panels, invited to podcasts and land speaking engagements.

Ahead, expert tips to go from a blank Google Doc to signing the title page.

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The largest annual writers convention re-emerged last week. Here’s AWP by the numbers – Saturday April 2, 2022

They came, they saw, they picked up 6,000 AWP tote bags.

The annual conference of the Assn. of Writers & Writing Programs took place in person in Philadelphia last week. For thousands of writers accustomed to coming together annually to talk shop and stay up late drinking, it was a long-delayed reunion.

After the demise of the long-lived BookExpo, this MFA-centric gathering represents a writer’s biggest opportunity to network, browse journals, attend panels on literary trends and assemble for bookish gossip.

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How to start writing a novel – authors share how they did it – Thursday March 31, 2022

We’ve all got a novel in us. Or so the saying goes.

But for most people, even if you have the burning embers of an idea inside you – it can be hard to know where to start.

How do you find the time, the confidence, or the structure needed to actually put pen to paper, or fingers to keys, and actually start the process of writing your first novel.

Well – it can be done. Just look at all the books on your bookshelf or in your local bookshop. All of those authors were once beginners, and they all had to start somewhere.

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New Publisher Listing: DSP Publications – Wednesday March 30, 2022

We are a boutique imprint producing quality fiction that pushes the envelope to present immersive, unique, and unforgettable reading experiences. We choose stories that beg to be told, tales that depart from mainstream concepts to create fantastic and compelling journeys of the mind.

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Narrative Sleight-of-Hand: The Trick of Writing Multiple POVs – Tuesday March 29, 2022

One of the traps I fall into most easily as a writer is the illusion that I know what I’m doing. I have a few novels under my belt, and have seen some success with them. Readers have occasionally marvelled at my artistry, or even proclaimed me wise. I, for one, am all too ready to believe the hype about myself.

That is, until I start writing a book that is too hard for me. Which is every book I write, somehow. I end up with two choices—abandon the hard book and write something easier, or abandon the notion that I have any idea what I’m doing.

I highly recommend the latter. It’s humbling, but frees me to look around and find help in unexpected places.

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Mind body spirit publisher Toran Press to launch at LBF – Monday March 28, 2022

A boutique body, mind and spirit press is launching at London Book Fair, focusing on "beautiful, thought-provoking" books for children and adults. 

Toran Press was conceived by Vineet Sharma, who is also m.d. at Parragon Publishing India, and Nicola Deschamps, former brands and licensing publisher at Parragon Books and owner of Target Editorial.

The press will focus on publishing books orientated towards the mind, body and spirit market promoting positivity and wellness in children and adults. Its name has been derived from the Sanskrit word to describe a colourful and meaningful decoration that was traditionally used to adorn front doors on celebration days. 

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New Literary Agent Listing: Jennifer Chevais – Monday March 28, 2022

Currently building her list of authors specialising in fantasy, science fiction, and horror, but she also has a soft spot for thrillers, upmarket fiction, memoir, graphic novels, and many more.

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The Tricky Task of Writing a Villain – Sunday March 27, 2022

In literature, and in real life, many times the villain makes the story. But writing a nuanced account of these characters, whether in fiction or in nonfiction, can be tricky. In her book Putin’s People, Catherine Belton uncovers important details from Putin’s past and tells what we might consider his origin story. One evening in December 1989, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a group of protesters started making its way to the KGB station in Dresden. Putin called for reinforcements, but none came. This was his turning point, Anne Applebaum writes, the moment that “marked the end of [the Soviet] empire and the beginning of an era of humiliation.” She describes his disdain for democracy as his answer to that “trauma,” but she’s clear that his success has “proved a terrible tragedy for the rest of the world.”

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