Traditional Publishing

Writers' News

New Literary Agent Listing: Anna Gamble – Monday July 19, 2021

Would love to see high concept chapter books with a strong hook and middle grade fiction that really knows its audience and offers a sense of adventure.

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Festival of Words guests talk fantasy writing, defining genre during panel – Sunday July 18, 2021

A selection of fantasy authors joined together to talk about how they approach writing a genre that includes anything the imagination can create, during the ongoing Saskatchewan Festival of Words.

The panel was pre-recorded, as part of a small series of sessions from the Festival of Words available for attendees to watch anytime.

Moderated by crime writer Wayne Arthurson — who said he was an avid fantasy reader excited to join the discussion — authors Melanie McFarlane, C.L. Polk and Hiromi Goto sat down to talk about the details of creating fantasy fiction.

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New Publisher Listing: Wolfpack Publishing – Thursday July 15, 2021

An award winning indie publisher that began life as a small Western Fiction publishing company, but which now publishes across a variety of genres. Continues to specialise in Westerns, but not accepting submissions for Westerns as at July 2021.

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New Literary Agent Listing: Nicole Etherington – Thursday July 15, 2021

Tastes lean towards literary and bookclub fiction. In terms of nonfiction, drawn to books that make readers think or explore familiar topics in interesting ways. No submissions to personal email address.

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The Bleeding Cool List Of Agents Selling Graphic Novels To Publishers – Wednesday July 14, 2021

So this is what I have been doing, on and off, for the last two weeks. You're welcome. A compilation of every announced graphic novel from a major publisher over the last year-and-a-half, arranged by which agent negotiated the deal – if they did. The bookstore graphic novel market has been booming, and so many deals for 2022, 2023, and 2024 are being done through the lockdown and pandemic. Speaking with many major comic book creators wondering about projects out there, I discovered that most haven't even considered an agent and just try and use their own personal contacts and knowledge which they often find lacking. Here's an attempt to highlight the people working on comic book creators' behalf in what is an expanding graphic novel bookstore market.

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New Literary Agent Listing: Pam Gruber – Wednesday July 14, 2021

Looking for adult, young adult, and middle grade fiction with literary voices and commercial hooks. She is particularly interested in layered fantasy, speculative fiction, fantastical realism, rom-coms, and coming-of-age stories with a twist. She is also open to middle grade and YA graphic novels, as well as select narrative non-fiction on lesser-known subjects. She would not be the best fit for prescriptive non-fiction, anthologies, potty humor, paranormal, or erotica.

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New Publisher Listing: Coyote Arts – Tuesday July 13, 2021

A literary arts publisher dedicated to the power of words and images to transform human lives and the environment we inhabit. Publishes works in the genres of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and drama that engage the sense of wonder and possibility.

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New Literary Agent Listing: Tom Drake Lee – Tuesday July 13, 2021

Looking for commercial literary and genre fiction which tells stories and illuminates the human condition; fiction which has compelling plot, narrative and characters.

Also looking for non-fiction which tells us more about the world around us; nature writing, popular science, history and memoir.

No screenplays, short story / novellas, children's books / YA or Sci-Fi/Fantasy.

[See the full listing]

Why Ireland’s literary journals are brilliant stepping stones for emerging writers – Monday July 12, 2021

None of us foresaw how long lockdown would last or what the outcome would be. One unexpected result has been an increase in the number of people who have used the time to tap into their creativity and get writing. And to cater for the increase in output, there has been a surge in new literary journals and online publications.

TolkaBeir BuaStrukturissRiverbed Review and Sonder are just some of the new titles being created to publish, in a variety of forms, writers’ experiences.

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Putting the Self in Self-Publishing – Sunday July 11, 2021

Have you ever written a character based on your life or experiences? Like most writers, even when I’m writing characters who are no-thing like me, I will still borrow places I’ve been, feelings I’ve had, or things I’ve experienced to build out my characters. But, though I routinely draw from my experience as I write novels and short stories, this doesn’t mean that these stories fully mirror my life or are accurate representations of me.

Can you write a character who is like you but has completely different experiences? You can! Autofiction plays with the idea of truth, which, for an author, can be creatively liberating. In autofiction, significant details, plots, and characters are mod-ified to fit the story and don’t necessarily indicate what actually happened.

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